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Buy blue hair dye

Ladies with blue hair provide increased attention from the public. Think we will discourage you from making your look so striking? No, on the contrary, we are happy to tell you about why exactly you should dye your hair blue and how to get the best results.

Psychologists have been able to draw some conclusions through questionnaires and observations as to why people dye their hair blue, why is blue hair dye so popular?

It has emerged that people often feel misunderstood and want to explain themselves, often a bit fickle and slightly disobedient. Yet, they feel very vulnerable, sensitive and are very good-natured. They want to make the world a little more perfect and the world does not want to conform. Although the blue colour can be a manifestation of protest, it is more often an indicator of a hugely creative person. Many talented singers for example with a versatile personality, the appearance is pop but her soul spares no effort to help others.


To get a beautiful, bright blue colour, you have to dye your hair, sometimes even several times. Only platinum blondes can achieve flawless results. If you have dark hair, you will have to lighten your hair first before applying blue hair dye.

Today, blue hair dyes are such innovative products that maintain the condition of the hair well.

With a temporary blue hair colour, the colour will fade with every wash, on average a temporary colour sits for 10-20 washes. If you want to maintain your colour properly, you will need to refresh it once a month.

Attention will get you in abundance, perhaps more than you would like. Have you ever had a bad night's sleep or been out late into the night, had no time for your make-up and actually prefer to hide in a corner, your blue hair colouring stands out. But, this also means that you will always be the star on stage. Many will not hesitate to comment on your hair colouring, some will love it but experience shows that the older generation is more negative towards blue hair.


The fashion for blue hair covers all target groups, young and old, it is just not an everyday occurrence yet. Yet more young ladies are dying their hair blue. Young and stylish, creative girls often express their state of mind this way. To look perfect, you then compare your appearance to the correctly chosen blue colour.

If you have dark eyes and expressive eyebrows, go for the grey-blue hair colour.

If you have light sky eyes and snow-white tender skin, try the light blue colour

Tinted or sun-tinted skin with brown eyes usually opts for blue-blue, a perfect result.

If you dye your hair blue and have a trendy hairstyle combine it with trendy original outfits.


If you have decided to dye your hair blue then you have to ask yourself whether you want to give it a try or just do it for a while or, if you are more confident, take a more permanent solution. Blue hair dyes come in two varieties, semi-permanent and permanent. The semi-permanent blue hair dye will fade with every wash while a permanent blue hair dye really needs to grow out. So keep this in mind and ask yourself what suits you best.

If you choose a semi-permanent hair colour, you have a choice between Paint Bang and Pastiss, where Paint Bang can be mixed endlessly and you do not need to use an oxidant. The Pastiss line already indicates a beautiful pastel blue colour. If you want permanent hair dye to dye your hair blue then Nouvelle Hair Dye is your best choice. For your convenience, we list them: Paint Bang temporary hair dye Pastiss temporary hair dye Nouvelle permanent hair dye

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